About Our Food

My Story

2x picture/gif/video of Mom in front of a big cooked meal

I started making my marinade in 1986 when I lived on the island of Guam. My inspiration came from the Polynesian flavor profile of Finadene sauce made by the native Chamaros, who often invited me to their huge beach buffets. Finadene sauce was made from a blend of vegetables, lemon, peppers, soy sauce and spices. It was used on everything – tender meats, rice, salads and vegetables.

Later when my family and I moved to the Emerald Coast of Florida, we realized as much as we loved the regional cooking style here, we really missed the flavors and cuisine we left behind on Guam. This inspired me to invent my own marinade, developing a delicious recipe that I started using on everything I grilled and cooked.  My marinade began to take on a life of its own. I could hardly keep up with the demand from friends and family. This is when I realized I had something truly special.

The next step was to bottle my marinade and see if anyone would buy it. When I approached my first store, Albertson's, the manager said "yes" – and voilà!, Susan's Southern Marinade was born.  As I perfected my recipe for commercial consumption and added new flavors, my marinades spread to other stores. Today the high demand from amateur cooks and professional chefs alike, has been an exciting journey.  I trust you will enjoy cooking and grilling with Susan's Southern Marinades too.